Friday, February 25, 2011

Troubled times

Quaint is the idea...
That restraint is a skill...
But faint is the emotion...
For lost hope and will...

Why should there be protocols,
For two hearts to chat?
What should there be calls,
For two faces to interact?

When the hearts are missing,
How friends be one?
When one misses that heart,
How can one be a friend?

There is always a place where the sidewalk ends...
And from there road begins...
There is always a point where the facade ends...
And from there life begins...

I take a moment and close my eyes...
To look out, see darkness and feel the silence...
Scared, I look inside and feel my heart...
Hope renewed, I join its rhythm that calms...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Farewell, not Goodbye...

We're done with College, this we know...
We're going out into the world, this we know too...

Our hopes and dreams to pursue,
We go on our separate ways...

On the highways of Life...
Which run long and far...

But the friends we made here for life,
The beautiful moments we enjoyed here...

Those bonds that hold us together...
We hope will one day bring us back...

So it is not 'Goodbye', but only 'Farewell'...
Till that time when we meet again, my friends...

Thoughts during my last exam @ SDM

Exams, thou art a mystery...
For Teachers, thou be a pain up the tree...
And Students wish thou be history...
Then who loves thee, ooh dreary blistery...?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From 'The Winds of Fate'

Beautiful lines... well thought and even better written...:)
"One ship drives east and another drives west
With the selfsame winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails,
And Not the gales,
That tell us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate;
As we voyage along through life,
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife..."
-The Winds of Fate by 
  Ella Wheeler Wilcox