Monday, August 30, 2010


Heave Ho...
Do It Once,
Do It Right.
Get It Over With!


When the sun walks off the horizon....
Its only those moments that remain...

Of happiness, adventures and memories sweet...
Of silly but lovely chats we all had when we meet...

So here's the 'Thank you'...
A gift wrapped with remembrance...

Offered to those loving souls...
Who go out of their way...

To sow and not to reap...
The lovely community called Friends...

Move on...

When least expected...
Throws life, a challenge....

To test our courage...
How willing we to change...

Testing the human spirit...
To watch the piece de resistance...

No pretending nothing's changed...
No sayin I'm not ready yet...

Challenge doesn't wait...
Life doesn't look back...

So why should we?


Having found on this wondrous ground...
Friends, those special ones on earth...

They touch me heart, it rises...
Over life's perceived tedium...

Am too 'fraid to lose,
but too shy to ask...

So walk this path with me....
Along this pathway called Life...

On demand poetry

Someone pointed out...
The moon peepin thro the clouds...

And wondered aloud...
About a string of musical words...

Ooh but I wish...
That thoughts and words had wings...

To fly from afar...
To be parts of an unknown rhyme...

I wish....

I wish for...

A thankful heart,
To appreciate what I have been fortunate enough to have...

An open mind,
To let flow, the clear stream of thought and reason the wise spoke about...

A humble mind,
To bow down to all that, which ought be respected...

A proud mind,
To keep my head high about those and only those things that are worth taking pride in...

A strong mind.
To do what is right than just what seems easy...

And a penitent mind,
To acknowledge my wrongs and set them right without fail...

Waking up

Floating on the clouds of emptiness...
Clutching on the seconds of solitary bliss...

Dreams of reasons unknown, flash through...
Clutching the blanket, savoring the warmth...

Comes into focus, the familiar ceiling...
The fan, the sunlight flowing so generously into the room...

Realizing like a bolt of lightning...
Ooh no, I overslept...again....!!!


Those thoughts unsaid...
Those emotions unexpressed...

Paints a portrait...
Across mind's canvas...

A humble and mortal mind...
Reaching out to every other...

May be inspiration...
May be perspiration...

Evolving in the pensive mind..
Baked in the oven of solitude...

Those words that inherit the beauty...
Those words that are called Poetry...


Rain on the face,
Breeze by the side...

Through the bushes,
Through the hedges...

Across the fields,
Through the mud...

Running hither dither,
Like a horse untired...

With friends around...
Not a care else...

It was bliss,
It was childhood...

How I miss them...


Wisps of silver...
Pure and fair...

Peep and peek...
From behind the clouds...

Silver flame and beauty bright...
Ooh lovely Moon, thou enchant me every night...

Beautiful morning...

I look out of my window in the morning...
See a green wave of leaves in the gentle breeze...

Lit up are the dancing flowers...
In the golden glow of the morning Sun...

A smile on every face that passes by...
In hope of the new day, that we live by...

Thoughtful would I be, until I realize...
Oops, its time for the morning class...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Always together yet...

Savoring gracefully, the music...
Sharing in unsaid words, a secret...

Walking side by side, a distance...
Together through life's the good and bad...

He wished to relive everything...
But found it wouldn't stay but in memory...

The songs that Time sings...
The tales that History narrates...

As he marveled at how Time never stops...
Yet the unfailing companion through life...

Time and tide waits for...